21K096 PTA » Links


If you'd like to purchase a box (or boxes) of World's Finest Chocolate for the PTA fundraiser, please provide your contact info and how many boxes you'd like. Please pay with CASH ONLY in ROOM 229 to MS. MORALES (on behalf of the PTA). A receipt will be sent home with your student(s).

如果您想為 PTA 籌款活動購買一盒(或多盒)世界上最好的巧克力,請提供您的聯絡資訊以及您想要多少盒。請在 229 室僅使用現金向 MS 付款。莫拉萊斯(代表家長教師會)。收據將與您的學生一起寄回家。

Si desea comprar una caja (o cajas) de World's Finest Chocolate para la recaudación de fondos de la PTA, proporcione su información de contacto y cuántas cajas desea. Pague SÓLO EN EFECTIVO en la HABITACIÓN 229 de MS. MORALES (en nombre de la PTA). Se enviará un recibo a casa con su(s) estudiante(s).

Если вы хотите приобрести коробку (или коробки) World's Finest Chocolate для сбора средств PTA, укажите свою контактную информацию и укажите, сколько коробок вы хотите. Пожалуйста, платите ТОЛЬКО НАЛИЧНЫМИ в НОМЕРЕ 229 MS. МОРАЛЕС (от имени ОТА). Квитанция будет отправлена ​​домой вместе с вашими учениками.

PARENT VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP: 7th Grade Movie Night on Friday, January 19, 2024 

Calling all Seth Low parents of all grades! We need volunteers to help with the PTA's 7th Grade Movie Night on Friday, January 19, 2024. Please sign up to help in one or more of the time slots below...

PARENT VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP: 8th Grade Movie Night on Thursday, January 25, 2024

Calling all Seth Low parents of all grades! We need volunteers to help with the PTA's 8th Grade Movie Night on Thursday, January 25, 2024. Please sign up to help in one or more of the time slots below...

DO YOU WANT TO BE A PARENT VOLUNTEER? SIGN UP FOR A PTA COMMITTEE! The more parents who sign up, the more we can do!
Please provide your contact info and sign up for one of the following committees...